Partner With A Team That Knows The Game!
Synergy Durable Medical Equipment (DME)
Synergy’s is recruiting DME & DVT professionals including, Independent Sales Representatives and Distributors to participate in our Nationally Contracted DME Network. As a certified and accredited POS/DME healthcare provider, Synergy has been servicing prosthetic, orthotic and DME patients in California for over 40 years. Our services have extended outside of California over the last decade to include National coverage for the DME patient population. Synergy offers multiple opportunities for subcontracted service agents to participate in our firmly established and Nationally contracted DME network.
Synergy works closely with our contracted payers in an effort to constantly educate and update our payer relations by bringing value based care programs to their attention. By sharing the most recent and innovative technology and industry related information we gather to ensure our payer contracts are actively participating and offering the best possible reimbursement rates they can offer for DME products and services.
Our DME services include: upper and lower extremity bracing, custom bracing, spine and cervical bracing, cold therapy solutions, maternity kits, surgical kits and supplies, DVT, Lymphedema, and bone stimulators.
Synergy Durable Medical Equipment (DME) Procurement
As one of the larger regional POS/DME providers in California, Synergy has excellent vendor and manufacturer relationships in place, which afford us the ability to procure products at extremely competitive rates. Synergy extends these savings to its subcontracted service partners who may not otherwise be able to procure products at reasonable rates.